
French Teacher

B.A.Sc., R.E.C.E.

Mireille was born and raised in Mexico City, lived in Belgium for a year and spent her childhood summers in Germany, France and Algeria. Mireille is multilingual, speaking English, Spanish and French fluently.

Mireille has lived in Guelph for 33 years. She studied Applied Social and Human Sciences at the University of Guelph and stayed to live in this beautiful city upon graduation.

Aside from having a degree in Child Development, Mireille completed most of Gordon Neufeld's courses in Child Development, enjoys researching and studying neuro science in her spare time, completed EFT training and is a Brain Gym practitioner.

Since graduating from the University, Mireille has worked with children and youth as a tutor, a French teacher, a French Teacher assistant, a preschool teacher, an after school teacher, an infant care giver, and an Early Childhood Program facilitator. She has always loved being around children and youth; feeling very attuned to children's needs and finds fulfillment by making their day as happy and fun as possible.